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AirZing UV-C Sterilizing Light


UV-C: A proven technology for sterilization and purification

Globalization and increased travel brings more attention to global public health. Many scientific research institutions and pharmaceutical enterprises are working hard on providing solutions for tackling such challenges.

UV-C radiation generated by high-energy UV-C lamps operate at a wavelength range between 200 – 280nm, which is very versatile and can be used for disinfecting water, destroying harmful micro-organisms in other liquids, on surfaces, on food products and in air. With UV-C technology it is possible to destroy more than 99.9% of all pathogens within seconds, without addition of chemicals, without harmful side effects, and an inexpensive solution that is highly efficient and reliable.

UV-C can destroy most microorganisms

The cell nucleus of micro-organisms (bacteria and virus) contains thymine, a chemical element of the DNA/RNA. This element absorbs UV-C light at a specific wavelength of 253.7nm and changes to such an extent (formation of thymine dimers) that the cell is no longer capable of multiplying and surviving.

    • UV-C (253.7nm) penetrates the cell wall of the micro-organism
    • The high energy photons of the UV-C are absorbed by the cell proteins and DNA/RNA
    • UV-C damages the protein structure causing metabolic disruption
    • DNA/RNA is chemically altered so organisms can no longer replicate
    • Because microorganisms are now unable to metabolize or replicate, the UV-C light has effectively and safely sanitized the UV-C workspace area.
    • Specification Sheet (Final)

The coverage area of one Osram AirZing is 12-15m2. (129 - 162 square feet)

  • <8m2 (<86 ft2), 30 mins is recommended
  • 8 - 12m2 (86 - 129ft2), 45 mins is recommended
  • 12 - 15m2 (129 - 162ft2) , 60 mins is recommended
One AirZing is the perfect disinfection tool for small patient/examination rooms where there is a large amount of turnover throughout the day.  At a flick of a switch you can disinfect a room in between patients/clients. 
Of course you can reduce the time it takes to sterilize a room by adding additional AirZing's to a room.  The 253.7nm wavelength is harmful to eyes/skin of humans and animals as well as plants.  This product is designed to be used with no one in the room.  

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Airzing PRO - powered by OSRAM HNS UV lamps

  • Generates 253.7nm UV light, which is ideal for highly effective sterilization and purification
  • Proven technology destroying up to 99.9% of the microorganisms
  • Specially designed OSRAM ballasts to optimize performance of OSRAM HNS UV-C lamps
  • Equipped with IR sensor to shut system down when people are detected entering the UV workspace
  • 30-second-delayed start to enhance operational safety
  • Ozone-free emissions
  • 360 degrees coverage area
  • Application Guidelines

    This linear fixture can be ceiling or wall mounted with an installation height measured from the floor between 2.5 and 4m. Cycle time to run fixture if the workspace is:


    The coverage area of one set of fixture is 12-15m2

    • <8m2, 30 mins is recommended
    • 8 - 12m2, 45 mins is recommended
    • 12 - 15m2, 60 mins is recommended

    The coverage area of one set of fixture is 15-20m2

    • <10m2, 30 mins is recommended
    • 10 - 15m2, 45 mins is recommended
    • 15 - 20m2, 60 mins is recommended


    Product Name: AirZing PRO 5030 UNIV

    • Dimension:L 1058mm x W 54mm x H 78mm
    • Input Voltage:100 ~ 270V
    • Input current:0.14A
    • Power consumption:33W
    • Lamp: OSRAM HNS 30W
    • Operation temperature:-10°C~35°C
    • Storage temperature:-20°C ~60°C
    • Weight:1.3Kg(net) /1.9kg(package)

     Exclusive technology – Infrared protective kit

    Introduced by OSRAM, the IR protective kit can avoid unexpected body’s exposure in UV-working space. Once people walk into the space, IR protective kit will sense it and switch off the whole system immediately. The coverage area of each IR kit is 80-150m2 depending on the installation height.

    • 30s delayed start
    • IR sensor switches off the lighting system immediately when it detects people coming into the UV workspace
    • Coverage area between 80-150m2, depending on installation height
    • UV-C resistant coating
    • Specially designed OSRAM ballasts to optimize performance of OSRAM HNS UV-C lamps

    Precise UV-C ray of 253.7nm wavelength

    Generating UV-C of 253.7nm wavelength to obliterating 99.9% of virus and bacteria.

    • Made in Europe
    • Premium quality
    • 0 Ozone emission - Equipped with double-end UV tube, ensure no harmful derivation generated, which is acknowledged as a safe technology by market.
    • Anti-UV coating technology - No aging effect on any parts of lighting system which are being proceeded with anti-UV coating technology.

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    UV-C technology can be used in…



    Offices / Schools

    Malls / Restaurants


    Events / Backstage

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